Beware Of Fake Windows 11 ISO Files

It’s been a while since the latest update for the Windows operating system has been officially announced and released by Microsoft. However, Windows 11 has already got a sweet spot in its user’s hearts, despite having bugs and glitches. But now installing windows 11 has been hyped so much. That everyone now wants to install Windows 11 in their work environment. But the catch is Windows 11 is only available for Microsoft insiders program users. Due to this those who aren’t registered in the insider’s program keep searching for ISO files of Windows 11. But downloading external ISO files from unknown sources is a huge risk especially when it comes to data privacy. In this article, we’ll tell you about an incident that has breached many systems. So you must learn to always beware of fake Windows 11 ISO files available on the internet.


Beware Of Fake Windows 11 ISO Files


It isn’t a surprise that everyone is trying to install Windows 11 in their systems by different means. And on the internet one file named 86307_windows 11 build 21996.1 x64 + activator.exe is getting downloaded by many users. Its size is around 1.74Gb, which is fair for an operating system ISO image when considered. But things get worse when you execute this file.


It seems like a normal windows Installer at first but after that in the installation process a second Installer named Download Manager pops up & when you accept the license agreement, a bunch of different malware get installed in your system. If you want to wreck up your work environment then there’s no better way to do that than this.


And this is not only it, there might be a bunch of different infected Windows 11 ISO files already been released. So the best way to keep your system free from this malware, trojan horses, viruses is to install Windows 11 from its official source legally.


We have already written a step by step article. This will guide you to install official Windows 11 in your system legally without any issues.


How to Download and Install Windows 11 legally


If you want to know more about these fake Windows 11 installers then read People are getting malware from fake Windows 11 installers from XDA developers. 


I'm a coding geek interested in cyberspace who loves to write and read

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