Java – Introduction

Java is a high-level programming language that is robust, object-oriented, class-based, concurrent, secure, and general-purpose. It has a syntax that is extremely close to C and C++. It’s used to make desktop applications, mobile apps, online apps, and corporate apps. WORA is another name for Java apps (Write Once Run Anywhere). This means that a Java programme that has been compiled should operate on any Java-enabled machine without modification. Java is currently one of the most widely used programming languages, especially for client-server online applications. The following are some of Java’s most essential features:

Language Characteristics:


Simple language:

Java is a simple language to learn, with a grammar that is straightforward and easy to comprehend. Java has a syntax that is extremely close to C++. In Java, difficult C++ ideas are either deleted or reinvented in a simple fashion; for example, explicit pointers and operator overloading have been removed from Java, despite the fact that it is a crucial C++ concept.

Object-Oriented Programming Language:

Java is a programming language that focuses on objects. In Java, everything is an object with data and behaviour. Java supports all core OOP principles such as object, class, inheritance, polymorphism, data abstraction, and encapsulation.

Portable Language:

Code written in Java Byte may be run on any platform. It does not necessitate any implementation-dependent features. Everything relating to storage, such as the size of primitive data types, is specified.

High-Performance Language:

Java is a high-performance interpreted language, which means it will never be as quick as a compiled language like C or C++. However, the usage of a just-in-time compiler in Java allows for great speed.

Platform Independent Language:

Unlike other programming languages such as C, C++, and others, which are compiled into machine-specific platforms. Java is a language that is guaranteed to be write-once, run-anywhere. A Java application is compiled into byte code during compilation. This byte code is platform agnostic, meaning it may be run on any system, and it also provides security. Java programmes may be executed on any system that has the Java Runtime Environment installed.

Robust Language:

Java focuses on compile-time error checking and run-time error checking in order to remove error-prone code. However, by integrating an autonomous garbage collector and exception handling, Java significantly improved memory management and mishandled exceptions.

Secure Language:

Java is always the first choice when it comes to security. With Java’s security features, we can create virus-free and temper-free systems. Java programmes always execute in the Java runtime environment, with little interaction with the operating system, making them more secure.

Multi-Threading Language:

The Java multi-threading capability allows you to design programmes that can do many tasks at the same time. Multi-threading has the advantage of using the same memory and other resources to run numerous threads at the same time, such as Grammatical mistakes being checked as you type.

Architectural Neutral Language:

Since the compiler creates byte codes that are independent of the computer architecture, a Java programme can be easily interpreted on any platform.


Next: Java-Syntax


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