How to draw a heart using python turtle
In this tutorial, we are going to show and explain How to draw a heart using python turtle. We have added the video tutorial and the source code of the program.
So let us begin with How to draw a heart using python turtle
Video Tutorial: How to draw a heart using python turtle
Source Code:
import turtle screen = turtle. Screen () screen.setup(500, 600, startx=0, starty=450) turtle. speed (3) turtle.bgcolor('black') turtle.pensize(3) def func(): for i in range(200): turtle.right(1) turtle.forward(1) turtle.color('red', 'pink') turtle.begin_fill() turtle. left(140) turtle. forward(111.65) func() turtle. left(120) func() turtle.forward(111.65) turtle.end_fill() turtle.hideturtle() turtle.done()