Create Snake game using python turtle
In this tutorial, we are going to show and explain How to Create Snake game using python turtle. We have added the video tutorial and the source code of the program.
So let us begin with the Create Snake game using python turtle.
Video Tutorial: Create Snake game using python turtle
Source Code:
#create snake game in python import turtle import random import time #creating turtle screen screen = turtle.Screen() screen.title('Snake Game') screen.setup(600,600, startx=0,starty=100) screen.tracer(0) turtle.bgcolor('turquoise') ##creating a border for our game turtle.speed(5) turtle.pensize(4) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(-280,250) turtle.pendown() turtle.color('black') turtle.forward(500) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(500) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(500) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(500) turtle.penup() turtle.hideturtle() #score score = 0 delay = 0.1 #snake snake = turtle.Turtle() snake.speed(0) snake.shape('square') snake.color("black") snake.penup() snake.goto(0,0) snake.direction = 'stop' #food fruit = turtle.Turtle() fruit.speed(0) fruit.shape('circle') fruit.color('red') fruit.penup() fruit.goto(30,30) old_fruit=[] #scoring scoring = turtle.Turtle() scoring.speed(0) scoring.color("black") scoring.penup() scoring.hideturtle() scoring.goto(0,300) scoring.write("Score :",align="center",font=("Courier",24,"bold")) #######define how to move def snake_go_up(): if snake.direction != "down": snake.direction = "up" def snake_go_down(): if snake.direction != "up": snake.direction = "down" def snake_go_left(): if snake.direction != "right": snake.direction = "left" def snake_go_right(): if snake.direction != "left": snake.direction = "right" def snake_move(): if snake.direction == "up": y = snake.ycor() snake.sety(y + 20) if snake.direction == "down": y = snake.ycor() snake.sety(y - 20) if snake.direction == "left": x = snake.xcor() snake.setx(x - 20) if snake.direction == "right": x = snake.xcor() snake.setx(x + 20) # Keyboard bindings screen.listen() screen.onkeypress(snake_go_up, "Up") screen.onkeypress(snake_go_down, "Down") screen.onkeypress(snake_go_left, "Left") screen.onkeypress(snake_go_right, "Right") #main loop while True: screen.update() #snake and fruit coliisions if snake.distance(fruit)< 20: x = random.randint(-290,270) y = random.randint(-240,240) fruit.goto(x,y) scoring.clear() score+=1 scoring.write("Score:{}".format(score),align="center",font=("Courier",24,"bold")) delay-=0.001 ## creating new_ball new_fruit = turtle.Turtle() new_fruit.speed(0) new_fruit.shape('square') new_fruit.color('red') new_fruit.penup() old_fruit.append(new_fruit) #adding ball to snake for index in range(len(old_fruit)-1,0,-1): a = old_fruit[index-1].xcor() b = old_fruit[index-1].ycor() old_fruit[index].goto(a,b) if len(old_fruit)>0: a= snake.xcor() b = snake.ycor() old_fruit[0].goto(a,b) snake_move() ##snake and border collision if snake.xcor()>280 or snake.xcor()< -300 or snake.ycor()>240 or snake.ycor()<-240: time.sleep(1) screen.clear() screen.bgcolor('turquoise') scoring.goto(0,0) scoring.write(" GAME OVER \n Your Score is {}".format(score),align="center",font=("Courier",30,"bold")) ## snake collision for food in old_fruit: if food.distance(snake) < 20: time.sleep(1) screen.clear() screen.bgcolor('turquoise') scoring.goto(0,0) scoring.write(" GAME OVER \n Your Score is {}".format(score),align="center",font=("Courier",30,"bold")) time.sleep(delay) turtle.Terminator()